Po poti nadškofa Antona Vovka (Archbishop Anton Vovk Trail)ZEMLJEVID VOVKOVE POTI (MAP OF THE TRAIL) Začetek poti je pred župnijsko cerkvijo Žalostne Matere Božje na Breznici, kjer je bil Anton Vovk krščen. Nato se odpravimo proti Vrbi, njegovi rojstni vasi. Mimo stare lipe obkrožene s kamni hišnih gospodarjev pridemo do Ribičeve hiše, kjer se je sto let za svojim prastricem Francetom Prešernom rodil Anton Vovk. Nekaj nadaljnjih korakov nas privede do cerkvice svetega Marka. Od cerkvice se usmerimo severovzhodno in po poljski poti dosežemo utrjeno makadamsko “cesarsko” cesto, ki ji sledimo v smeri vzhoda. Tu bi v poletnih mesecih zaradi izpostavljenosti poti lahko bilo precej vroče. S koncem makadamske poti prispemo do križišča, kjer se srečajo ceste iz Hlebc, Begunj in Zapuž. Mi se mimo spomenika NOB usmerimo diagonalno v vas Zgoša, kjer sledimo oznakam Vovkove poti. Ko prečimo most čez Begunjščico zavijemo desno po cesti, ki nas pelje v smeri Dvorske vasi. Tja nas bo preko travnikov in polj peljala ozka asfaltirana cesta. Na poti skozi Dvorsko vas bomo naleteli na kapelico Matere Božje, pročelje katere krasi slika svetega Florijana. Tu se držimo leve in mimo vaškega nogometnega igrišča krenemo po gozdni makadamski cesti. Ta se konča nad vasjo Spodnji Otok in se nadaljuje kot asfaltna cesta proti Črnivcu, od koder je bil doma ded Antona Vovka. Skozi vasi Črnivec in Noše nas mimo pokopališča na Brezjah pot pripelje na vmesni cilj, k baziliki Marije Pomagaj. Tu si lahko privoščimo telesni in duhovni odmor.  Drugi del poti v začetku poteka po brezjanski Rožnovenski poti. Pot gre vzhodno od bazilike skozi vas. Najprej se spusti po asfaltni cesti do potoka Peračice, nato se rahlo dvigne in v križišču zavije desno (smerokaz »Rozman, Peračica 7«). Sledimo asfaltni cesti do trenutka, ko se v gozd na desno odcepi kolovozna pot (smerokaz »Kovor«). Ko preko Zupanove brvi prestopimo potok Strašnik, smo že v tržiški občini. Sledi malo daljši nezahteven vzpon po gozdni poti. Na koncu vzpona se poslovimo od Rožnovenske poti in jo uberemo desno navzdol preko poljske poti do asfaltne ceste, ki pelje mimo Zbirnega centra do Kovorja. Krenemo skozi vas. Pod župnijsko cerkvijo prečkamo Glavno cesto, se spustimo mimo osnovne šole v podvoz pod glavno cesto (E652) in se priključimo cesti skozi Loko. Pot nadaljujemo skozi obrtno cono ob Tržiški bistrici, mimo tržiškega kopališča in zapuščene tovarne čevljev Peko do središča Tržiča. Pri Kurnikovi hiši zavijemo desno navkreber in se po Cerkveni ulici vzpnemo do župnijske cerkve Marijinega oznanjenja. Tu se Vovkova pot konča. Mediji o Vovkovi poti: Radio Ognjišče:  Doživetja narave: Vovkova pot Družina:  Nova Vovkova romarska pot na Gorenjskem Drugi Vovkov romarski pohod na Gorenjskem Gorenjski glas:  Nova romarska pot, posvečena nadškofu Vovku ------------------------------------------------- The trail starts at the Parish Church of Our Lady of Sorrows in Breznica, where Anton Vovk was baptised, and then heads to the village of Vrba, his birthplace. Passing the old lime tree surrounded by the landowners’ stones, it leads to the Ribič’s (Fisherman’s) House, where Anton Vovk was born a hundred years after his great-uncle France Prešeren, the greatest Slovenian poet. Just a few steps away, there is a charming little church of Saint Mark, where the trail turns first northeast on a field path and then east on a hardened macadam road. Note that trees are scarce on this part of the trail, and it can be rather hot here during the summer. At the end of the macadam road, the trail arrives at the crossing of roads from Hlebce, Begunje and Zapuže. Pass the WWII memorial and take the diagonal path to the village of Zgoša, following the Vovk Trail markers. After crossing the bridge over the Begunjščica brook, turn right in the direction of Dvorska vas. A narrow asphalt road will take you there through meadows and fields. On the way through Dvorska was, there is a small chapel of the Mother of God, with a painting of St Florian at the front. Keep to the left, pass the local football field, and head along the forest macadam path, which ends above the village of Spodnji Otok and continues as an asphalt road towards Črnivec. This was the birthplace of Anton Vovk’s grandfather. The trail runs through Črnivec and Noše villages, past the cemetery in Brezje, and to the intermediate destination, which is the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians. This is the perfect location to get some rest, both physically and spiritually. The second part of the trail follows the Rosary Trail of Brezje at first, heading east from the Basilica and through the village. It runs down the asphalt road to the Peračica brook, then rises slightly and turns right at the intersection (“Rozman, Peračica 7” marker). Follow the asphalt road until it forks into a dirt road to the right (“Kovor” signpost). When you take the Zupan footbridge across the Strašnik brook, you enter the municipality of Tržič. Then, there is a slightly longer, undemanding ascent along a forest path. At the end of the ascent, the Vovk Trail leaves the Rosary Trail and runs to the right down on a field path towards the asphalt road which passes the household waste recycling centre and leads to Kovor. In front of the parish church in Kovor, cross the main road, pass the primary school, and take the E652 underpass to enter the road through Loka. Continue through the craft production zone by the Tržiška Bistrica river, and pass the Tržič swimming pool as well as Peko, the desolated shoe factory, to reach the centre of Tržič. At Kurnik’s house, turn right uphill and take the Cerkvena ulica to the Parish Church of the Annunciation. This is the end of the Vovk Trail.https://zupnija-breznica.rkc.si/index.php/content/display/179